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Southeast Caucasian Antique Rug
3' 7" x 5' 9" (109cm x 175cm) Circa 1900
Price: $9,800
SHIRVAN, Southeast Caucasian
3' 7" x 5' 9"
109cm x 175cm
Circa 1900
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("New Arrivals Gallery") A stunning visual orchestration is achieved in the intricately balanced graphic artistry of this piece, crafted some 120 years ago in the Shirvan district in the area where the Caucasus mountains end their descent toward the Caspian Sea. With its myriad delightful hand-drawn designs, each with individual nuances, this is a woven feast to partake in. Note, for instance, how the lower field starts for three full flowerheads and terminates at the top of the field with just a hint of a new row of blossoms as a sense of movement. The carnelian red-based main border presents highly stylized double-headed dragon forms in a dancelike configuration. The fiery carnelian ground main border sponsors a pattern of stylized double-headed dragon forms, slightly compressed in the horizontal segments. Happily, this exciting lowland tribal rug was obviously highly respected as it in heavier pile condition at well over a century of age.
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