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West Central Persian Antique Carpet
14' 1" x 17' 1" (429cm x 521cm) Circa 1875
Price: $72,000
SULTANABAD, West Central Persian
14' 1" x 17' 1"
429cm x 521cm
Circa 1875
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This lushly decorated oversize Sultanabad is a feast of gracefully defined, ethereal, organic forms and an exquisitely serene color palette. Curling fronds, flame palmettes, and radial blossoms are orchestrated like a visual symphony where every motif has its role to play in an extraordinary composition. What at first appears to be symmetrical is filled with gentle variations of line and shape. Earthy tones of umber, ecru, buff, and electrum are meticulously chosen and harmoniously configured. A glowing patina accentuates the nuance of these hues against the luscious royal blue field, with such sophisticated and deftly applied striations as to seem like a gentle breeze-blown pool reflecting the evening sunlight. An unusually wide main border with an exotic red sandstone ground with palmettes and fanciful boteh forms are drawn at a larger scale than elements in the field, a more seldom used juxtaposition that affects a sense of expansiveness and tranquility. Retaining very good pile and superb overall condition, this approximately 150-year-old, tremendously refined village carpet would provide a luxurious base for various settings.
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