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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
3' 8" x 13' 9" (112cm x 419cm) Circa 1900
Price: $12,500
BIJAR, Northwest Persian
3' 8" x 13' 9"
112cm x 419cm
Circa 1900
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This highly refined, classical Persian Bijar runner features a unique expression of the traditional Herati all-over pattern that is ennobled by a consummate mastery of color. This is especially true of its carnelian red field that is very seldom encountered in antique Persian runners. Its captivating warm walnut border is framed by a stunning mustard gold hue, an unusual combination that greatly adds to this turn-of-the-20th century rug’s energy and rarity. The runner's traditional allover pattern is drawn with unusual sharpness and contains a sense of great movement, with artful swirling fronds pirouetting around resonant teal-toned lattices.
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