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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
5' 0" x 6' 11" (152cm x 211cm) Circa 1875
SERAPI, Northwest Persian
5' 0" x 6' 11"
152cm x 211cm
Circa 1875
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("New Arrivals Gallery") From one of the villages dotting the landscape of northwest Persian Azerbaijan arose this superb 19th-century Serapi rug of unique styling and seldom-found size. An irrepressible, energetic spirit is conveyed by the glowing scarlet red of the field, supported by an original re-invention of the traditional Serapi paradigm presented in crystal clarity. Its overall composition is the intersection of simplicity and complexity melded in a harmonious delight for the eye. Interestingly, the golden cumulo-motif that enshrouds the motifs within the reserve and that surrounds it in an azure blush likely represents the cloudband concept - vapors that conceal the dragon of Far Eastern myth. The palette is rich in chroma and is a tremendous success thanks to the color-savvy weaver. Silky, top-quality wool makes the surface shimmer like silk. Having always been possessed by those who treated it with much respect, it remains in fantastic, heavier pile condition.
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