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Central Persian Antique Rug
4' 5" x 6' 6" (135cm x 198cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $9,800
4' 5" x 6' 6"
135cm x 198cm
Late 19th Century
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A rare, antique tour-de-force rug from the 19th century Bakhtiari tribal tradition known for ingenious spontaneity, adeptly wrought, a wide color palette, and bold designs. Artistically, we have never seen this level of skill and confidence from this group. Woven with the "Grandmother's Weave" or "Bibibaf", it offers an astonishing fineness, often seen before the commercial period and but seldom afterward. This pattern is a magnified view of a fertile flower garden of surrealistic quality. One's eye is immediately struck by the central, ice-blue reverse teardrop form that grows in immensity from a seemingly insignificant stem. Encapsulated within is a microcosm of blossoms, including three that are almost figural presiding over the scene. What other curiosities will this very special tribal objet d'art reveal? The energetic botanical renderings seem to be on the move diagonally, another attribute of this piece that reveals the confident vision of a tribal virtuoso at work. The exquisite colorway and savvy outline work enhance the overall dynamic quality. This superb rug is filled with whimsy and charm, emanating a delicate sheen from a gently earned patina that further highlights the clarity of the vigorous design. Heavier pile allows it to be on display anywhere in the home.
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