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Northwest Persian Antique Carpet
8' 6" x 11' 2" (259cm x 340cm) 3rd Quarter, 19th Century
Price upon request
8' 6" x 11' 2"
259cm x 340cm
3rd Quarter, 19th Century
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("The California Collection") Art-level Bakshaish village carpets exhibit a magical folk art quality that sets them apart from all other Persian weavings. Even when interpreting a mille fleur pattern that virtually every region’s weaver learns how to create, the rendering is fresh and invariably dynamic. This extraordinary room-size example of Bakshaish weaving prowess conveys an astonishing level of synchronization, which balances both great spontaneity and overall harmony within the composition. A blooming field of poppies sways in mesmerizing arrangements created by staggering each row. Their branches are outstretched to warmly welcome the viewer. Purposeful ripples in the mocha camelhair natural tones add tremendous enrichment to its ambiance, serenely silhouetting luscious hues of vermilion, cerulean, deep bronze, and burnished gold that endow each happy flowering plant. Their scale gradually increases from the bottom to the top of the field in a virtuosic play on perspective that brings tremendous vitality to this rare carpet. A lighter blonde camel’s wool is used in the borders and outer margin, adding yet another layer of depth and dimensionality.
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