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West Central Persian Antique Rug
4' 2" x 6' 2" (127cm x 188cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $9,800
FERAHAN, West Central Persian
4' 2" x 6' 2"
127cm x 188cm
Late 19th Century
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Antique Ferahan carpets are a very specific group of rugs from the Arak region, known for their admirable “handkerchief-like handle” and richly colored, dazzling detail, and fields of deepest midnight indigo. The weaver of this exquisite piece chose to create a completely opposite rug with an ivory field and a palette of soft warm tones while placing the indigo only in the medallion and borders for dramatic effect. Instead of the traditional “Herati” pattern that used a repeated diamond device, this innovative rug introduces a stylized three petalled blossom and rosette pattern to fill both the field and the delicate surround. An ornate rendition of the Shah Abbas border frames this muted piece with rich complexity, skillfully balancing the gentle aspects.
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