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Southeast Persian Antique Carpet
8' 9" x 11' 9" (267cm x 358cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $23,000
LAVER KIRMAN, Southeast Persian
8' 9" x 11' 9"
267cm x 358cm
Late 19th Century
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This classical Persian city carpet's kaleidoscopic design has great dimensionality and a palpable sense of contraction and expansion. The medallion's majesty constantly draws one into the center of the composition, inviting the eye to follow the extraordinary clarity and articulation of each botanical element. There is an etched precision to this drawing, particularly in the novel cloud band pattern that frames the corner spandrels. Its coveted ivory field and border combination support a truly exquisite secondary palette, rich with burgundy red, cranberry, and aqua. Its condition is extraordinarily good for comfortable use in even a heavier trafficked area.
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