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North Central Persian Antique Rug
4' 8" x 7' 1" (142cm x 216cm) Late 19th Century
Price upon request
TEHRAN, North Central Persian
4' 8" x 7' 1"
142cm x 216cm
Late 19th Century
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With its highly curated detail for which the finest 19th-century Tehran rugs are renowned, this consummately crafted, entirely singular representative delivers distinguished refinement in its masterful level of symmetry and striking spaciousness. Its highly fluted medallion holds a layered cruciform construction with an exquisite centerpiece bejeweled with two extraordinarily potent blue segments floating on a ruby red ground. Keenly juxtaposed to the 'negative space' of the undyed ivory reserve, crisply drawn feathery leaves, palmettes and blossoms are rendered in a vivid, naturally dyed color palette including sapphire blue, coral and emerald with punctuations of bright gold. The seldom-encountered warm burnished bronze-tone of the medallion, spandrels, and main border further propel this enrapturing effect of color combination and chiaroscuro. This elegant antique rug has been lovingly preserved in excellent condition with heavier pile throughout.
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