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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
5' 4" x 6' 2" (163cm x 188cm) Circa 1900
Price: $11,500
SERAPI HERIZ, Northwest Persian
5' 4" x 6' 2"
163cm x 188cm
Circa 1900
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Possessing the bold presence of its room-size counterparts, this one-of-a-kind area size Serapi-Heriz rug makes a memorable artistic statement. A daringly overscale rendition of the "Pool of Infinite" motif is set against a luminous backdrop of midnight indigo, suggesting dramatically expansive dimensions that are further evoked by its unusually spacious clear ivory border. Antique Serapis of area size dimensions are always notable, especially when so unique and artful, as the Heriz region of Northwest Persia where they were woven produced room size carpets almost exclusively. An additional dividend is this turn of the 20th century rug's excellent condition.
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