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Northwest Persian Antique Carpet
10' 3" x 12' 4" (312cm x 376cm) Late 19th Century
SERAPI HERIZ, Northwest Persian
10' 3" x 12' 4"
312cm x 376cm
Late 19th Century
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("New Arrivals Gallery") This vibrant 130-140-year-old Serapi Heriz epitomizes the joyful, celebrative artistry of this beloved village rug design, here executed with an inspired and dexterous use of abrash color striation. The progression of prized mid-tone blues transitions through glowing aquamarine, sapphire blue, denim and cobalt tones, enchanting the viewer with its sense of continual movement and palpable depth. Instead of the large center medallion traditional to many Heriz rugs, a striking, fanciful and overscale rendition of the Persian Harshung allover design of stylized fronds and attentively rendered rosettes fills the field. Notable also is its use of camelhair in the base of the naively drawn border and its very sturdy, mostly heavier pile.
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